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Certification HINDMEDICO

At HINDMEDICO PRODUCT PVT. LTD, we pride ourselves as a premier manufacturer and supplier of Welding and Cutting equipment, Safety Harnesses, Industrial Safety Helmets, and various Medical devices. We are leading the market in brand name of “HMP”, Our mission is to achieve and maintain excellence in all aspects of our operations by addressing organizational challenges and fulfilling the needs and expectations of our customers. We are committed to delivering top-quality products and upholding a reliable system that ensures consistent quality.

We are devoted to providing cutting-edge products that comply with international standards. Our objective is to adoptive a motivated workforce that takes pride in our company, driving us to be leaders in the industry.

We ensure to our customers:

  • Our firm is an ISO 9001: 2015
  • IS, ISO, CE (EN) certification.
  • Welding gas pressure Regulators with accessories conforming to IS 6901/ ISO 2503 (EN 12864, 838).
  • Cutting Torches IS 7653 (EN 5172, 60974).
  • Medical Instruments with Anesthesia machine IS 11378 / ISO 5358 (EN ISO 10297).
  • Safety items (PPE) IS 2925 (EN 397), IS 3521 Part I & II (EN 361, 355)

CE Certification

ISI Certification